A teen fashionista tells all about the latest trends, runways, and designers of fashion.


Rock the Sprouse!

Hey fashionistas,

I have been raving about the new Stephen Sprouse/Louis Vuitton tribute collection. Marc Jacobs, the artistic director of Louis Vuitton, took Stephen Sprouse's eclectic prints of the 80's and injected them into Lois Vuitton leggings, bags, shoes, dresses, and accesories. My favorite piece is the Keepall 50 bag in in fuschia[above]. Though the prices are sky-high, this off-the-wall collection is pure genius.

X's and O's,

[Teen] Fashionista

I have been raving about the


  1. Anonymous15.3.09

    I've always loved Louis Vuitton. The combination of Mar Jacobs' designs and the electric 80s prints are amazing! They are so original and funky,
    my favorite is the worded leggings.

    ILY u rock!!!!!

  2. Anonymous16.3.09

    OMG I love these patterns! That dress and leggings (second pic) is amazing it's so fun and cute, I am now in love with that outfit! I love your blog so keep on adding to it!

    LOVE U LOTS....your first & fave follower

  3. Anonymous16.3.09

    Sarah!!!I became a follower...i showed my mom the website and she LOVESSS it.The designs are soooo cute...i love you!

  4. Anonymous17.3.09

    i love the leggings and the shirt... but the matching shoes is kin- of throwing me off

  5. I would like to thank you all for commenting and putting in your 2 cents! You all have clear fashion sense , and it shows! I appreciate your comments-as long as you keep commenting, I keep blogging!

    X's and O's
    [teen] fashionista
